Friday, July 24, 2009

Ufone gave away free Advertisement to Telenor

Ufone once again made a humorous ad of its new offer, but this time U fone give the clear message, and humour didnt undermine the message. Ufone's ad are liked by most of the people becaue they always come up with a brilliant idea and intelligently integerate the humour in it.

This latest ad of Ufone in which they have shown a singing competition is also a brillint idea no one has thought of this before. But Ufone has made a one mistake in this ad, the one which all the companies try to avoid. U fone has given free advertisement to Telenor in this ad while making fun of Ali Zafar who has recently switched from Telenor commercials to Jazz commercials.

Ufone has moked Ali Zafar, indirectly giving free advertisement to Telenor, ufone had nothing to do with Ali Zafar's switchihg brands, but they moked him and Jazz as well. This underminedthe move of Jazz , acquring ALi Zafar( brand ambassador of telenor) as a brand ambassador of Jazz.

People would recall Telenor and Jazz while watching this commercial.

Telenor would be very happy becaue of this commercial, now they dont have to do any thing now they woulnt be feeling bad while loosing their grand brand ambassador.

Ufone made a brilliant ad, delivered clear message (1000 free minutes on new Ufone sim) but intentially or unintentially they have given million Rs free advertisement to Telenor, thats the blunder Ufone has made. They shouldnt have included that part in ad (son, after getting famous dont switch the company).

Telenor is the fastes growing network in Paksitan and by giving free advertisement to Telenor, Ufone has made an unwise move..

this is the link to watch the add


  1. ufone tried to act smarter...but their smartness cost them alot...huh,

  2. yup its right they tried to be oversmart...
