Wednesday, July 14, 2010


The world's biggest sporting event has finally ended, and with this the advertising campaigns of different companies has also faded with the World Cup. When ever there is a major sporting event, every company tries to make most of it by making relevant ads and displaying these ads at the right time.... Looking FIFA WC from Pakistani markets point of view, there were only two major companies who make most of this event.. One is Clear Shampoo and the second one is PEPSI, other companies like Ufone and JazZ tried but werent able to make effective ads and give exciting offers..

The Clear Shampoo had the strategy in mind 16 months ago when it hired Christiano Ronaldo ( world's highest paid footballer) in its ad, Clear has been using Ronaldo t0 target the market which is obviously young men, Clear came up strong in the world cup they also offered exciting offers during world cup and made most of the tournament and is indeed the winner of the FIFA WC 2010..

PEPSI who always in front in all the major sporting events made most of the FIFA WC 2010, it hired not one but different super stars of different countries and made a wonderful ad, the ad was based in AFrica so they did attract the African market and the other major markets as well ...
Comparing two PEPSI and CLEAR,.. later had better strategy because they have been featuring a major superstar for past year... PEPSI has made a better ad ... so over all both did a good job.. !!


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