If you want to see a practical example of what we say a bid idea in advertising then watch the commercial of Bourneville chocolate, it has every thing its unique and unexpected, no one expected such an ad for the chocolate and the theme to sell chocolate is also unexpected but relative to the product, the theme” You don’t just eat a Bourneville; you have to earn it.” Is excellent and the execution is simply awesome.
Normally for the promotion chocolate, companies use young attractive models or children to sell the product but Bourneville chocolate has change the rules and made a commercial with quite a different approach they made a slogan for the promotion and they made the wonderful ad and the slogan is repeated in its other commercial which focus on different flavors offered by the company.
This campaign of Bourneville would be remembered for long time and would be taught to the students of advertisement as an example of big idea in advertising.
i love the chocolate and ilove the add you are absolutely right