Ramzan has started and the demand of food items in Paksitan has increased significantly, the month of Ramazan is very important from the advertising prospects, most of the consumer product manufacturers especially beverages and spices manufacturers always capitalize the month of Ramzan and rlate theri products with this month to get the maximum attention, like always, this time also many companies are capitalizing this month and relating their products with this Holy month.
From past three of four months, there was no advertisement of packed milk at both electronic and print media, in Paksitan, the competition is among Nestle ( market leader), Olpers (trying to penetrate market) and Haleeb. These three brands were out from advertisement because of some unknown reasons.
At the start of month, only one brand has yet capitalized the situation i.e. Olpers, from the very begining, Olpers has shown the traditionla touch in their advertisements to attract the customers unlike Nestle' and Haleeb. This time only Olpers ad is being displayed on every television channel, they have made a very nice ad with Atif Aslam and they have nicely integerated it with the islamic traditions and month of Ramzan.
As only one Packed Milk is promoting now a days, it is likely that Olpers will make some new customers and will get a huge chunk of market share.
Considering this, the marketing executives of Nestle milkpak and Haleeb would not be sleeping they would be making some strategy. It is likely that soon there will be ads of Nestle Milkpak and Haleeb, but we have to see that whether they would be able to capitaize the situaiton as well ans Olpers has..
this is the link to see the ad
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